Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"About Town Iris"

16" x 20"  Oil painting on board
Sad thing is the flowers don't last very long.  In 2 days the top flower went from flowing outward, to the petals starting to curl inwards.  And by the end of the day it was gone!   The flower on the right is starting to go now too.  Used a palette knife, and a pound of paint!  Great fun to capture. 

Charging Bear

Not sure whether I need a background on this or not.  What do you think?
Stepped outside to take a photo of a little one in the back yard, and he started charging toward me.
I like the way he came out,, and think I will leave him like he is.  A little mystery huh?

Friday, May 18, 2012

That is what the tag says anyway.  Indoor plant.  
Read the bad and it says 10 ft tall x 5 ft wide  !  Whoa....
I need a bigger house.

Contact Information

Thank you for taking a look at my art and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do creating it. Please take the time to leave comments about my work. You can click on any image to enlarge and see more detail. For information about purchasing any of my art, please Contact me (Lona) at
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This is me

My photo
Nevada, United States
My whole life I have had a passion and love of drawing. Now that my boys are grown I have more time to spend on drawing and painting. I work mostly from life, but use photos when necessary. My favorite media is oil painting and occasionally drawing. People are my favorite subjects to draw or paint. Nothing is more captivating than peoples faces and nothing more enjoyable than to find an interesting subject to draw or paint, and a glass of wine to enjoy while painting! I have Studied drawing and painting at Sierra College, Lake Tahoe Community College and also Sierra Nevada College. Currently I am enjoying weekly plein-air paint-outs with the Tahoe Art League. I hope you enjoy looking at my art and I want to thank you for taking the time. I appreciate any comments that you leave. e-mail me at